Write to Read

We have been involved with the Write to Read project since 2019. Write to Read is a model that supports teachers to develop high quality literacy programmes for children.
The aim of the project is to support all children and help them to emerge from primary school as confident, engaged readers, writers and independent thinkers with high expectations for themselves and their futures, as well as providing them with the tools, persistence and confidence to reach their highest aspirations.
Since introducing this programme in our school we have noticed a dramatic increase in the boys’ overall enjoyment and enthusiasm for reading and writing. Every day they take part in Literature Circles, Writing Workshop and Word Work groups.
Literature Circles: During this time the boys discuss and engage with activities based on the novel that they are reading at that time. This is a novel chosen by the group based on their interests and they bring it home nightly to read on.
Writing Workshop: The Writing Workshop is a child-centred framework for teaching writing. The teacher provides a short, mini-lesson to begin and then the children are given time to write freely, incorporating what they have learned. It is based on the idea that children learn to write best when they write frequently, for extended periods of time, on tops of their choosing.
Word Work: In groups catered to their needs the boys can work on spellings and phonics alongside an adult. We use Spell It and Words Their Way in O’Connell’s.
For more information on Write to Read click here:
O'Connell Primary School, North Richmond Street, North Circular Road, Dublin 1 | Phone: 01 855 7517