Student Council

A huge well done to all the boys who were elected by their classmates to represent them in the OCS student council. The boys on the student council meet as a group a couple times each term to discuss and generate ideas for any events taking place around the school.
Firstly, the student council lent a hand to Mr. Coyle and his Active Schools Committee. The boys were responsible for creating a playlist of songs which would be played through the speakers at yard time. The aim of the playlist was to inspire and promote more movement/activity among pupils and staff during their break times.
The OCS student council also organised their very own after school movie club. Each year’s student council representees were involved in the designing of posters and promoting the club for their year. The boys drew up a list of movie suggestions and participated in all the preparations for the club like selling tickets, seating arrangements, making popcorn, and cleaning up afterwards.
The student council also joined forces with Mr. Haughey and the green school’s committee to organise a whole school art competition highlighting the importance of recycling in our school and local community.
We look forward to seeing what the student council come up with next!
O'Connell Primary School, North Richmond Street, North Circular Road, Dublin 1 | Phone: 01 855 7517