Afterschool Clubs

We host a wide variety of afterschool activities in O'Connell's to try to give each child the opportunity to excel in an area that interests them. Members of our student council have suggested clubs/activities that they would like to try out and we, as a staff, always strive to accommodate any of these suggestions, no matter how unique they may be. This would not be possible without the hard work and generosity of teachers who give up their time after school so that our children can experience different activities to give each child a chance to develop their gifts and talents. Some of the after school activities that take place in O'Connell's include:
Gaelic football, basketball, soccer, hurling, tag-rugby, boxing, ultimate frisbee, handball, tin whistle, guitar, board games; chess, Rummikub, cookery, art, science, computers, coding, homework club, well-being club/nurture club, movie club.
As you can see there is such a wide variety of different clubs taking place in the school and we hope that we have something for everyone. O'Connell's is a very inclusive school and we are very proud of that fact. We update our After Schools Clubs termly to keep parents and children updated about what clubs/activities are available to them. Keep your eyes peeled to see what's on offer this term for your son in OCS
O'Connell Primary School, North Richmond Street, North Circular Road, Dublin 1 | Phone: 01 855 7517